Home Personal Growth Core of selfless love!

Core of selfless love!

by Meenakshi Bhatt

If a 2 year old child is crying because of stomach ache, the parents will give him medicine or take him to the doctor so that his pain can be relieved. Think on the contrary, if the parents think without thinking that the child is crying due to hunger and start feeding him his favorite food, then maybe for a few moments the attention of that child will be lost but maybe the medicine is on time. If he doesn’t get it, he will get very sick! Love is also the same, according to the first condition, if it is helpful in solving or reducing the problems/difficulties of the one whom you love, then it is pure, because it has selflessness and dedication, but if according to the second condition, it is useful for some time. If it is only distracting, then it is definitely going to make you ill.

Whether love is with any person, some work/institution, country/state or society, if it is pure then progress is natural and selflessness and dedication is necessary for it, otherwise that person, work/institution, country The state or society is bound to become ill and move towards its decline. Do love selflessly but don’t make anyone sick and don’t let yourself get sick.

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What is situationship and how to get out of it? - FreeValleys September 21, 2023 - 4:46 pm

[…] a partner who doesn’t fulfill your wants and aspirations. You can progress toward a more satisfying and fulfilling relationship journey by following and understanding this new era topic that is called […]


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